Experience General George Washington’s historic crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas Night in 1776.

Washington Crossing State Park is the site of General George Washington’s historic 1776 Christmas night crossing of the icy Delaware River. For almost ten hours, boats and ferries moved continuously back and forth carrying men, horses and cannon to the Jersey side. By midnight a strong storm had developed, hurling sleet, hail and snow at the rebel army. Landing at Johnson’s Ferry, the Continental Army still faced an arduous nine mile march to Trenton as the storm continued with a vengeance. Reaching Trenton in the early morning of December 26th, the American Army surrounded, defeated and captured over 900 Hessian mercenaries and secured a morale boosting victory of immeasurable proportions.

355 Washington Crossing-Pennington Road, Titusville, NJ 08560-1517