Ten Crucial Days
“We … entered the town with them pell-mell, and here succeeded a scene of war of which I had often conceived but never saw before. The hurry, fright, and confusion of the enemy was [not] unlike that which will be when the last trump shall sound. They endeavoured to form in the streets, the heads of which we had previously the possession of with cannon and howitzers. These, in the twinkling of an eye, cleared the streets. The backs of the houses were resorted to for shelter. These proved ineffectual: the musketry soon dislodged them.”
-General Henry Knox
Faced with an intense and powerful blizzard on the evening of Christmas Day in 1776, General Washington’s army, strategically guided by members of the Hunterdon Militia, made a bold and risky decision to cross the Delaware River and strike the Hessian garrison in Trenton – an attack that would alter the course of the American Revolution and the fight for freedom.
The first Battle of Trenton was quickly followed by a second battle after which the Continental Army made a stealthy nighttime maneuver and a surprise attack on the British troops in Princeton. These victories strengthened the morale and the resolve of the Continental Army as they headed for winter quarters in Morristown.
You can experience the Ten Crucial Days through a virtual audio tour, as a driving tour in your car or online, and learn more about the sites and events that played a part in this critical turning point of the Revolution. You can take the tour remotely by clicking on the white arrow in the green circle below and then clicking on the story sites on the map. Or enjoy the tour on-site by downloading the TravelStorys app for free. The audio, text, and images will launch automatically as you approach each story site.