A school year’s worth of learning about the American Revolution culminated in a special documentary premiere event on Thursday, May 16 at the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School. The 4th grade students proudly walked the red carpet as they got ready to show the video that they had put together documenting their time learning about the American Revolution through a field trip to the Old Barracks Museum and in-class programs with George Washington, Ben Franklin, an 18th century doctor, a marbleheader and the Queens Rangers. This education-focused program was created by Crossroads in completed in collaboration with the school and 4th grade teachers, Mr. Brian Tobin and Mr. Todd Wilson. Thank you to sponsors, Verizon Foundation, NJEA and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for making this a lasting experience for the 4th graders of MLK Jr. Elementary.
Check back for the newly produced video and see images from the evening below.