- A Bundle of Silences: Reimagining Interpretive Approaches to the Past Youtube Playlist
- A Bundle of Silences: Reimagining Interpretive Approaches to the Past Overview – a series of seven pre-recorded webinars that pull together scholars from across the nation to explore key aspects of the American Revolution, as identified in Revolution NJ’s Interpretive Framework. In these seven 30-minute videos, viewers will be introduced to the broader context and discussions surrounding each of the themes. In addition to this introductory overview, each webinar will have several case studies that demonstrate how using a particular theme can help develop a nuanced interpretation of the past.
- January 2022 Big Ideas Session: What is the American Revolution? – The program provided an overview of the American Revolution and current approaches to studying it. Speakers included Dr. Lucia McMahon, Professor and Chair of History, William Paterson University, and Dr. LaGarret King, Associate Professor of Black History and Social Studies Education and the Director of the Center for K-12 Black History and Racial Literacy Education, University at Buffalo. The conversation was moderated by Todd Braisted, Author, Journal of the American Revolution.
- Strategic & Interpretive Framework Session Replay on Youtube
- Strategic Framework Executive Summary
- Strategic Framework Full Document
- Interpretive Framework One-Pager
- Interpretive Framework Full Document
- Heritage Tourism & Revolutionary War Sites – findings on the demographics, needs and interests of heritage travelers, as well as ways historic sites can attract these potential guests and encourage repeat visits.
- NJ African American History Resources for the American Revolution (from the NJEA website)
- Made By Us – an initiative to inspire, inform and empower Millennials and Gen Z as they shape our country’s future. Made By Us draws from hundreds of history institutions nationally to provide expertise, resources and deep connection to a fuller, more inclusive U.S. history from a multitude of voices.
- Creating a Linger Longer Experience – Crossroads workshop with resources historic sites can use to encourage visitors to extend their stay and explore.
- Are You Visitor Ready?
- Customer service resources
- Measuring business readiness
Visit the New Jersey Historical Commission (NJHC) grants website to learn more about grant opportunities throughout the year. Upcoming opportunities include:
- Project Grants (March 2022)
- General Operating Grants (March 2022)
- Second Round of Covid Grants (Q2/Q3 2022)
- County History Partnership Program (CHPP) (Every year, in late summer) Check this chart for contact information on the administrator for your county.
The National Park Service’s American Battlefield Protection Program supports community-driven stewardship of historic resources through four grant programs with deadlines throughout the year. Read more on the ABPP website.
Crossroads commissioned a team of historic architects; cultural resources consultants; and destination development, strategic planning and tourism marketing architects to assess the needs to prepare New Jersey’s Revolutionary-era historic sites for increased visitorship during the nation’s 250th anniversary. The team included Clarke Caton Hintz, Hunter Research and Hargrove International.
Their findings were presented at Crossroads’ April 21, 2020 Annual Meeting and are available below:
- Assessment team presentation (YouTube – presentation begins at approximately 10:10)
- Site and Visitor Readiness Assessment materials:
Executive Summary (6.5 MB)
Full report (36.7 MB)
Appendices (2.8 MB)
List of sites by Market Potential (428 kb) - List of sites by county
- Visitor Readiness & Site Assessment Frequently Asked Questions
The legislation establishing the Revolution NJ directed the partnership to investigate the establishment of a State visitor center. The initial visitor readiness assessment identified Trenton as the most feasible and highest impact location for the center. Crossroads commissioned a second study in 2021 led by Clarke Caton Hintz to identify and recommend potential property sites within Trenton for this facility and propose a design concept. The team included GWWO Architects and Hargrove International. Download the report here.
In 2021, Crossroads commissioned Hargrove International to provide an in-depth analysis of the opportunities and challenges to establishing New Jersey as an American Revolution heritage tourism destination, with a focus on identifying sites that could form a potential core. Download the report here.
- NEH Initiative: “A More Perfect Union”
- AASLH Report: United States 250th Anniversary Planning (American Association for State and Local History)
- 2017 NJ Arts Education Census Report
- NJ Department of State news release: Crossroads of the American Revolution Selected as Not-For-Profit Partner for NJ’s 250th Anniversary
- New Jersey legislation designating Program for Observance of 250th Anniversary of U.S. Independence (C.529P-15, Approved August 17, 2018)
Crossroads of the American Revolution contacts:
Carrie Fellows, Executive Director
[email protected]
General Questions: [email protected]
NJ Historical Commission contacts:
Sara Cureton, Executive Director
[email protected]
Marc Lorenc, Program Coordinator
[email protected]