Seeking a Preservation-Minded Buyer

Seeking a Preservation-minded buyerOne of the oldest buildings in southern NJ, the Upton Log Cabin, built as a tavern along the South Branch of Big Timber Creek in Gloucester Township is for sale and needs a preservation-minded buyer. It’s very early — late 1600s or early 1700s — and has remarkable integrity. It is built of squared logs. Everything is vertically sawn. The rafters are mortised, tenoned, pegged, and numbered. There’s a lovely paneled fireplace wall with winder stairs, wood door latches, and HL hinges. There are still oil-burning lamps with corresponding smoke bells on the ceiling. Original window sash with Georgian muntins and a few replacement sashes from the Federal period. And a secret hiding place under the attic floor that really could have concealed a runaway slave and now holds 2 pre-historic Native American tools, a cannonball, and a bucket that once held lamb’s livers. This building is a little architectural gem! For the listing click here.