Discounts available for January 27 matinee
Join Crossroads at Princeton’s McCarter Theatre on Sunday January 27 for a matinee performance of The Niceties. As the McCarter’s website describes the play: “Zoe, a black student at an Ivy League university, is called into her white professor’s office to discuss her thesis about slavery’s effect on the American Revolution. In this riveting two-person drama, a polite clash in perspectives explodes into an urgent and dangerous contemporary debate.”
Crossroads has arranged a discounted rate of $40 per ticket for the January 27, 2:00 p.m. performance. Theatregoers can also supplement their experience by attending an Inside Story discussion at 1:15 p.m., as well as a guided discussion after the performance.
To book your tickets at the discounted rate, visit the McCarter Theatre website and enter the promotional code XROADSARA in the “promo code” box. Additional handling and transaction fees will apply.
Tickets must be purchased by January 18 to receive the promotional rate.